Unpacking Religious Trauma Syndrome

Understanding its Ongoing Effects on Adulthood

Photo by Edward Cisneros on Unsplash

Religion, for many, serves as a source of comfort, community, and guidance throughout life’s journey. However, for some individuals including me, the experience of religion can leave deep psychological wounds that persist long into adulthood. I chose the image above because what I want to visually show would not be appropriate, the true pain and damage that religion has left on me and so many in the world.

I have only recently discovered that Religious Trauma Syndrome (RTS) is an actual thing. RTS is a term gaining recognition in psychological circles, shedding light on the lasting impact of religious indoctrination and experiences that have been harmful to an individual’s mental and emotional well-being. I have not been nor plan to be diagnosed in the future. But, as I begin to heal from other traumas in my past, I have started to regain some of my childhood memories, a lot negative and a lot from the church.

Defining Religious Trauma Syndrome (RTS)

Religious Trauma Syndrome, coined by psychologist Marlene Winell, refers to the psychological, emotional, and social damage caused by adherence to toxic religious teachings or experiences. These experiences can range from authoritarianism, fear-based dogma…



Shanna | Neurodivergent Entrepreneur | OBM

Business Systems Mentor | OBM | Empowering neurodivergent entrepreneurs to streamline, take action, and thrive 🌟 www.gystassist.com/links