Are you a People Pleaser?

9 Tell-Tale Signs to Look For

Neurodivergent News
6 min readJul 9, 2023
Artwork created by the Author using AI Technology

Are you someone who often puts other people’s needs before your own? Do you feel a strong urge to please everyone around you, regardless of the potential cost to yourself? If so, chances are that you may have “people-pleasing” tendencies. Or, be a total “people pleaser”.

People pleasing is a behavior which involves trying too hard to make others like and accept you by doing whatever is necessary to make them happy or fulfilled.

Often these individuals never really take care of their own wants and needs in order to keep those around them appeased. While it can be an admirable trait sometimes, it can become overwhelming if allowed to spiral out of control. Read ahead to learn 9 tell-tale signs that might suggest that, instead of being simply nice, you are actually caught up in a cycle of people-pleasing behavior!

You often over-commit or take on too much in order to please others

As a kind and caring individual, you have a natural tendency to want to please everyone around you. This is a truly admirable quality, but it can come with a downside if you’re not careful. It’s all too easy to take on more…



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Neurodivergent News

Written by Neurodivergent News

Neurodivergent thoughts, musings, ideas and tips

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